Sunday, 9 June 2013


     Yesterday "Voice Training" at YMCA Carlisle ... I really thought  that its going to be hilarious... Me singing ...Last time i sang i was 18 in a church choir...half my life ago.... So when I left home I had that attitude that I was not there to sing alone in front of everyone else (although I had practice "True Colours" from Cindy Lauper just in case). How I was wrong and how i enjoyed myself...i didn't want to leave....we all rocked the ymca... We started with warming up exercises and without all of us realizing she was teaching every line of a song an we were singing it...together in a great harmony.
      Hannah when I'm settled on my new house with everything running alright with my studio (that's my main concern now) I'll promise that I'll go to Wigton and practice with you lot. Great energie came from you and made everyone very relaxed. Thank you...

Did i mentioned what a great time i had today

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