Sunday, 5 May 2013


              If only you would have a go at Writing. Writing just for fun, for yourself, for your friends. Writing just for the pleasure of writing. Five minutes a day would be enough.
                “What would I gain from it?” you may ask. Everything, I tell you, anything, the possible, the impossible, the universe, the earth, the hearts and souls. Exaggerating… Not a bit.
                You will also gain freedom, freedom of thinking, speaking, feeling…
                Imagine all the possibilities, desires, wishes, fears, conquers.. all made possible, true with this magical wand of your choice (pen or pencil) written in the black lines of a white paper.
                Writing did all of this and much more, it freed my brain. And let me say that after all my life having it always occupied with thoughts and hurries. This is the first, although still feel uncoordinated, that I have myself for me. It feels like a new begin, full of possibilities. I was I’m free… I’m learning how to “walk” like the first time.
                All of this would not be possible without Carol Ross.
                Thank you so much for giving me this amazing new universe.

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