Friday, 3 May 2013


                Time for another exercise. An imaginary talk with someone that you can’t talk to anymore, being far away, dead or etc…

                On the 1st of May coincidence enough I had a talk with all my photos of different ages (I’m a freak, get over it). So I kinda re-wrote this conversation

Me: I’m sorry.

Little Me: For what?

Me: For all the dreams and desires that you had and I didn’t follow.

Little Me: That’s alright, there’s still time. You’re not dead yet, you know???!!!

Me: I failed you.

Little Me: You did what you had to do.

Me: If only I was strong.

Little Me: You are stronger than you think.

Me: I let you down.

Little Me: You still haven’t. Clean up your tears. Chin up. Be proud of who you are. It’s all alright.

                Yes, I was literally in tears.

"self portrait" work in progress

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