Sunday, 13 May 2018


and more Madeiran/Portuguese food.
I'm trying to show case my favourite foods from Madeira ( I can't eating them no more since I'm so far away which it's good because I eat a plant based diet.

Day 37: Espada Frita com banana frita, arroz e broculos. Fired Swordfish in batter with fried banana, rice and broccoli. Lots of variations with this dish, you can make it with fried polenta or boiled potatoes. I only eat this dish sometimes in restaurants not at home. I think this is a dish more for the foreigners who visit our island than for the locals. Still is a good dish.
Day 38: Hamburguer do Castelo dos Hamburguers. Burger from Burger Castle, they are freshly made and so delicious... Inside the bread there the burger, lettuce, tomatoes and cocktail sauce. Can't remember if they put onions in it! I didn't grew up with a Macdonalds... This burgers are so much better! And we used to have it with a peach  milkshake or avocado milkshake... Delicious!
Day 39: Pizza de Camarao com ananas. Prawn pizza with pineapple.... cocktail sauce... I miss this.
Day 40: Pizza de Camarao com banana. Prawn pizza with banana... prepared the same way as the praz pizza with pineapple... My favourite pizza... 

The materials used were: Winsor and Newton watercolour
                                          Sakura Pigma Micron 005
                                          Canson Art Book One

To learn more about this project check the following link:

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